School Uniform
Children are required to wear school uniform at Derry Hill School, and we hope all children will want to wear it.
The uniform:
Grey skirt, pinafore, trousers or shorts
Grey or red tights
White shirt or polo shirt (red or white)
Red school sweatshirt or cardigan
Red and white checked dress for summer months
Black school shoes
For PE:
T-shirt / hoodie in your child’s team colour (purple, red, green or blue)
Black shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings
Suitable footwear for outdoor PE
Children come to school dressed in PE kit on the days when they have PE
Daps should be brought in and left at school
Where to buy
Our School uniform is available to buy from OHM Clothing at 31 Sheep Street, Devizes, SN10 1DJ, Tel: 01380 825355, or Scholars at 3 The Causeway, Chippenham, SN15 3BT, Tel: 01249 656600.
You can also be order online via or
In addition, school clothing can be bought at a reasonable cost from a variety of outlets including the major chain stores.
You can order your name labels from Stikins and the school will earn 30% commission from each order using the link below.