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Curriculum Intent

Derry Hill School strives for excellence. We adopt a variety of approaches to children’s learning, using class, group and individual teaching as appropriate. Sometimes areas of learning are taught as separate subjects whilst at other times, we adopt a more creative curriculum and use topics of interest. Work and play are not seen as opposites, but as complementary for outstanding learning.  During 2017 – 2018 a great deal of strategic work focused on the school providing a meaningful curriculum for our children, ensuring the curriculum was matched to the needs of our learners and teachers here at Derry Hill School.  Since this point we have continually reviewed and improved our curriculum offer to ensure we offer the best we can in an engaging and stimulating way. 

We use a variety of areas to conduct our teaching, primarily the inside classrooms, library and Computing Suite, however, we also use our wonderful grounds which house an outdoor classroom, our own forest school area, vegetable patches and a spacious playing field. We are also extremely lucky to have been granted permission by Lord Lansdowne to use some land within Bowood estate to fulfil ‘Forest Learning’ opportunities beyond our site.

Children are encouraged to “have a go” and feel comfortable asking for help and discussing any issue, no matter how large or small, with their class teachers.

Our curriculum is matched to our children's needs and pupil feedback identified that our children learn best when the learning is focused around an interesting topic. Our whole school topic overview can be found below. To view the long term planning grids for each class please view the class pages.

If you would like to find about more about our school curriculum please feel free to speak to Mrs Roberts - she will direct you to the appropriate curriculum leader.